Highly Nonlinear Approximations for Sparse Signal Representation


Signals discrimination by subspace selection

We discuss now the possibility of extracting the signal $ f_{\cal{V}}$, from a mixture $ f= f_{\cal{V}}+ f_{\cal{V}}$ when the subspaces $ {\cal{V}}$ and $ {\cal{W}^\bot}$ are not well separated and the oblique projector onto $ {\cal{V}}$ along $ {\cal{W}^\bot}$ fails to yield the right signals separation. For this we introduce the following hypothesis on the class of signals to be considered:
We assume that the signal of interest is $ K$-sparse in a spanning set for $ {\cal{V}}$
This implies that given $ \{v_i\}_{i=1}^M$ there exists a subset of elements characterized by the set of indices $ {J}$, of cardinality $ K < M$, spanning the subspace $ {\cal{\tilde {V}}}= {\mbox{\rm {span}}}\{v_\ell\}_{\ell \in J}$ and such that $ f_{\cal{V}}= \hat{E}_{{\cal{\tilde {V}}}{\cal{W}^\bot}} f.$ Thus, the hypothesis generates an, in general, intractable problem because the number of possible subspaces spanned by $ K$ vectors out of $ M$ is a combinatorial number $ \tbinom{M}{K} =\frac{{M!}}{(M-K)!K!}$.

The techniques developed within the project aim at reducing complexity by making the search for the right subspace signal dependent.

Given a signal $ f$, and assuming that the subspaces $ {\cal{W}^\bot}$ and $ {\cal{V}}= {\mbox{\rm {span}}}\{v_i\}_{i=1}^M$, are known, the goal is to find $ \{v_\ell\}_{\ell \in J} \subset \{v_i\}_{i=1}^M$ spanning $ {\cal{\tilde {V}}}$ and such that $ \hat{E}_{{\cal{\tilde {V}}}{\cal{W}^\bot}} f= \hat{E}_{{\cal{V}}{\cal{W}^\bot}} f$. The cardinality of the subset of indices $ J$ should be such that construction of $ \hat{E}_{{\cal{\tilde {V}}}{\cal{W}^\bot}}$ is well posed. This assumption characterizes the class of signals that can be handled by the proposed approaches.

Under the stated hypothesis, if the subspace $ {\cal{\tilde {V}}}$ were known, one would have

$\displaystyle \hat{E}_{{\cal{V}}{\cal{W}}} f= \hat{E}_{{\cal{\tilde {V}}}{\cal{W}^\bot}} f = \sum_{\ell \in J} 
 v_{\ell} \langle w_{\ell}, f\rangle .$ (23)

However, if the computation of $ \hat{E}_{{\cal{V}}{\cal{W}^\bot}}$ is an ill posed problem, which is the situation we are considering, $ \hat{E}_{{\cal{V}}{\cal{W}^\bot}} f$ is not available. In order to look for the subset of indices $ J$ yielding $ {{\cal{\tilde {V}}}}$ one may proceed as follows: Applying $ \hat{P}_{\cal{W}}$ on every term of (23) and using the properties $ \hat{P}_{\cal{W}}\hat{E}_{{\cal{V}}{\cal{W}^\bot}}= \hat{P}_{\cal{W}}$ and $ \hat{P}_{\cal{W}}\hat{E}_{{\cal{\tilde {V}}}{\cal{W}^\bot}}=
\hat{P}_{\cal{\tilde {W}}}$, where $ {\cal{\tilde {W}}}= {\mbox{\rm {span}}}\{u_{\ell}\}_{\ell \in J}$, (23) becomes

$\displaystyle \hat{P}_{\cal{W}}f= \hat{P}_{\cal{\tilde {W}}}f = \sum_{\ell \in J}
 u_{\ell} \langle w_{\ell}, f\rangle .$ (24)

Since $ {\cal{W}^\bot}$ is given and $ \hat{P}_{\cal{W}}f= f - \hat{P}_{\cal{W}^\bot}f$, the left hand side of (23) is available and we can search for the set $ \{u_{\ell}\}_{\ell \in J} \subset \{u_i\}_{i=1}^M$, in a stepwise manner by adaptive pursuit approaches.
